Minera Panama is funding Clark Labs to perform a land change assessment and biodiversity study in the Donoso District in Panama. Working with Hardner & Gullison Associates, Clark Labs will assess the impact of mining in Donoso as well as proposed biodiversity offset measures. Key tasks for Clark Labs include an historical forest change analysis and microhabitat species modeling in the region.
Clark Labs will use their IDRISI and Land Change Modeler software applications for the land change and species distribution analysis. Landsat imagery covering three periods will be processed to create historical land cover. This historical assessment will be used to project future scenarios of land change within the region and to estimate the potential impact on species biodiversity.
Teams are currently collecting valuable flora and fauna species data in the region that will be modeled within IDRISI. Combined with the land cover mapping products, this valuable species data will allow Minera Panama to evaluate the net impact on avoided deforestation and biodiversity.