Most species distribution models are based on the concept of a species’ niche, the multi-dimensional envelope of environmental conditions that define the range in which a species can persist. These models generate a representation of the relationship between the presence of a species and a set of environmental factors. They then extrapolate the relationship to […]
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) is a climate change mitigation strategy gaining momentum with conservation organizations, project developers and governments in developing countries. Forests play a major role in the sequestration of carbon, and the conservation of tropical forests, in particular, yields the greatest potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This paper […]
Environmental image series provide a critically important resource for understanding both the dynamics and evolution of environmental phenomena. Earth Trends Modeler, a vertical application within the TerrSet software system, provides a wealth of tools for the analysis of trends and the dynamic characteristics of these phenomena as evident in time series images. This paper focuses […]
Classification Tree Analysis (CTA) is a type of machine learning algorithm used for classifying remotely sensed and ancillary data in support of land cover mapping and analysis. A classification tree is a structural mapping of binary decisions that lead to a decision about the class (interpretation) of an object (such as a pixel). Although sometimes […]
Unlike traditional pixel-based classification methods, segment-based classification is an approach that classifies a remotely-sensed image based on image segments. Segmentation is the process of defining homogeneous pixels into these spectrally similar image segments. The goal of the segmentation process is to change the characteristics of the image into more meaningful ones, thus facilitating interpretation and […]
Clark Labs Assists Local Town in the Siting of Cell Towers Current US government regulations state that cellular phone companies have the right to install towers in any town where they perceive a market exists. Towns, in most cases, are willing to comply with this regulation, but many do not have access to the required technologies […]
Watershed Mapping and Land Cover Classification in India’s Western Ghats India’s Western Ghats is one of 25 biodiversity hot spots in the world and is home to the Kudremukh National Park, an area characterized by rich evergreen forest and significant populations of endangered species, including the lion-tailed macaque and tiger. Downstream from Kudremukh, the Bhadra […]
Native Communities Use GIS for Nuclear Risk Management The Native Communities Project (NRMNC) introduced GIS to the community members within the Western Shoshone and Southern Paiute territories as a tool for making informed decisions in their management of the health risks of nuclear hazards. This will be accomplished through the development and dissemination of nuclear […]
Sustainability Research in the Yucatan Peninsula El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR) in Mexico uses IDRISI to monitor land-use change and simulate the effects of such change in the southern Yucatan peninsular region. ECOSUR is a government funded research institute specializing in sustainable development issues in southern Mexico. It is composed of 5 research […]
Multi-Criteria Evaluation Tools for Sustainable Forest Management The objective of sustainable forest management (SFM) is to ensure the productivity of forest resources over time, taking into consideration the environmental, economic and social values of the forest. Precise information on the extent, condition and productivity of forestry resources is critical for SFM, and remote sensing and […]