The Global Data Archive 2 contains the NASA GIMMS AVHRR Global NDVI (3g) (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index-3rd generation) for 1982-2014 in the IDRISI file format and can readily be used with the TerrSet software. The data set contains biweekly and monthly NDVI images, along with biweekly data quality flag images. The archive size is 37 GB. The download size is 3 GB.
The data were provided by NASA GIMMS as biweekly data. Monthly NDVI images for the same period were developed using maximum value composite. Global coordinate reference is:
Reference System: latitude / longitude (WGS84)
Date Range: 1982 – 2014
Resolution: 0.083 degrees
Extent (degrees): -180 to +180, -90 to +90
Units: NDVI (.001)
Background: -1000
Rows: 2160
Columns: 4320
Biweekly quality flag data accompanies this data set. The quality flag categories are:
Flag 1 = good
Flag 2 = good
Flag 3 = NDVI retrieved from spline interpolation
Flag 4 = NDVI retrieved from spline interpolation, possibly snow
Flag 5 = NDVI retrieved from average seasonal profile
Flag 6 = NDVI retrieved from average seasonal profile, possibly snow
Flag 7 = Missing data