TerrSet was designed with the academic in mind. With flexible licensing options, TerrSet offers research-grade spatial analysis without compromising ease of use. The TerrSet system contains over 1000 analytical routines comprised within 8 toolsets, all included in one package. Our academic pricing makes it affordable for students and researchers alike and particularly for outfitting an entire lab for teaching and research. TerrSet can be used for introductory or advanced courses–there is no need to purchase add-on functionality. TerrSet for academia is a perfect match.
TerrSet pricing for academia includes:
The TerrSet Tutorial includes a comprehensive set of tutorial exercises, nearly 100, which provide a planned and structured approach to the understanding of geospatial and geotemporal analysis. These exercises can be used for both introductory and advanced or graduate level classes for a range of earth science courses. The TerrSet Tutorial includes exercises on the following topics:
- Using the TerrSet System (11)
- Introductory and Advanced GIS (20)
- Introductory and Advanced Image Processing (15)
- Land Change Modeler Land Change Analysis and Prediction (5)
- Habitat and Biodiversity Modeler including Species Modeling (6)
- Ecosystem Services Modeler for Valuing Natural Capital (15)
- Climate Change Adaptation Modeler for Climate Impact Modeling (7)
- Earth Trends Modeler for Times Series Analysis (12)
- REDD modeling for project and national-level deforestation impact analysis (2)
Spanning nearly 400 pages, the TerrSet Manual can easily be used as a textbook. Several chapters are devoted to the system overview and basic operation of TerrSet, but the text is primarily a reference for both basic concepts and advanced topics in the geospatial and earth system sciences. The TerrSet Manual includes the following chapters:
- IDRISI Image Processing
- Land Change Modeler
- Habitat and Biodiversity Modeler
- REDD Modeling with GeOSIRIS
- Ecosystem Services Modeler
- Earth Trends Modeler
- Climate Change Adaptation Modeler
- Database Development
- Image Pairwise Comparisons
- Geostatistics
Based within the world-renowned Graduate School of Geography at Clark University, Clark Labs is at the forefront of analytical development, creating innovative and cutting-edge geospatial tools without losing sight of the pedagogical elements required to make use of such technology. It is therefore understandable why Clark Labs has such a long-standing tradition within the academic community, both for teaching and research.